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take it back..

Bring that shit in! Uggh!

Yeah, the movement's in motion with mass militant poetry Now check this out...uggh!

In the right light, study becomes insight But the system that dissed us Teaches us to read and write

So called facts are fraud

They want us to allege and pledge And bow down to their God

Lost the culture, the culture lost

Spun our minds and through time Ignorance has taken over

Yo, we gotta take the power back! Bam! Here's the plan Motherfuck Uncle Sam Step back, I know who I am

Raise up your ear, I'll drop the style and clear

It's the beats and the lyrics they fear

The Rage is relentless

We need a movement with a quickness

You are the witness of change !!

And to counteract We gotta take the power back

Yeah, we gotta take the power back Come on, come on! We gotta take the power back

The present curriculum I put my fist in 'em

Eurocentric every last one of 'em

See right through the red, white and blue disguise

With lecture I puncture the structure of lies

Installed in our minds and attempting To hold us back

We've got to take it back

Holes in our spirit causin' tears and fears

One-sided stories for years and years and years

I'm inferior? Who's inferior?

Yeah, we need to check the interior Of the system that cares about only one culture And that is why We gotta take the power back

Yeah, we gotta take the power back Come on, come on! We gotta take the power back

Hey yo check, we're gonna have to break it, break it, break it down Awww shit!


And like this...uggh!

Come on, yeah! Bring it back the other way!

The teacher stands in front of the class

But the lesson plan he can't recall

The student's eyes don't perceive the lies Bouncing off every fucking wall

His composure is well kept I guess he fears playing the fool The complacent students sit and listen to some of that Bullshit that he learned in school

Europe ain't my rope to swing on Can't learn a thing from it Yet we hang from it

Gotta get it, gotta get it together then Like the motherfuckin' weathermen To expose and close the doors on those who try To strangle and mangle the truth

'Cause the circle of hatred continues unless we react

We gotta take the power back

Yeah, we gotta take the power back Come on, come on! We gotta take the power back

No more lies No more lies No more lies No more lies No more lies No more lies No more lies No more lies



Take it back y'all Take it back, a-take it back A-take it back y'all, come on! Take it back y'all Take it back, a-take it back A-take it back y'all, come on!


Zach de LaRoccha, R.A.T.M. Doordacht, en pushte hun conclusies 26 JAAR geleden. Dat is 1 generatie geleden.

De waarheid en realiteit maken/ creeeren we zelf. Definieren Wij zelf!

Amp Up! and amplifie.

It's us. The Creators. Just amp up! and amplifie. We are all brothers with a furious mind.

26 jaar geleden, was de rage daar. Terrecht, anders zou deze site, en vele anderen niet bestaan. We take it back, by sharing info. Reality is what it is.

Als je ziet, rug recht en ogen open en vooruit. Dan zie je de Zeis misschien nog aankomen. Kan je vechten, ontwijken of je kinderen en toekomst in veiligheid brengen.

(onze zelfbenoemde elite en intelligentsia zijn allemaal potten/ homosexueel en kinderloos. En als ze al kinderen hebben dan worden ze geestelijk verneukt, beschadigd en eindigen ze in het beste geval als SJW'er).

Daar bedoel ik mee, dat ze andere belangen hebben. Een andere kijk op de wereld hebben. Niet perse een kijk op de wereld dat een gezin met kinderen heeft. Dat is niet goed of slecht, alleen wel iets om rekening mee te houden.

Wij zijn met meer. Dat is weer niet goed of slecht. Het is noodzakelijk voor het voortbestaan van de hoeders van deze planeet. De mens. Die met al haar tekortkomingen en schadelijke impact, toch wel de moeite waard is van het behouden.

De planeet redt zichzelf wel zonder de mens, misschien wel beter. Maar we zijn er. We zijn bewust, we zijn de hoeders en vader en moeder van deze planeet.

't Is niet anders.

De lyrics, de haat en afkeer tegen de Machine/ partijkartel is alleen maar groter geworden. Terrecht.

Volg Q en je weet waarom. Dan weet je wie jouw vijand is. Dan weet je wie de vijand van de mens is, was en niet meer zal zijn. (Versailles duurde 3 dgn, was het paleis leeg en geplunderd).

Huh! Yeah, we're comin' back in with another "Bombtrack" Think ya know it's all of that, HUH! Hey yo, so check this out... Yeah...

Know your enemy! Come on!

Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist As we, move into '92 Still in a room without a view

Ya got to know, ya got to know That when I say go, go, go! Amp up and amplify Defy, I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key, we'll break in

Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun

Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to Rage Against 'em!

Fist in ya face in the place and I'll drop the style clearly... Know your enemy!

Know your enemy!

Yeah! Hey yo, and get with this... uggh!

Word, is, born!

Fight the war, FUCK the norm!

Now I got no patience So sick of complacence

With the D, the E, the F, the I, the A, the N, the C, the E

Mind of a revolutionary, so clear the lane

WHAT?! The "land of the free?" Whoever told you that is your enemy!

Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun

Cause I'll rip the mic, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to Rage Against 'em!

Now action must be taken We don't need the key, we'll BREAK IN!!

I've got no patience now... So sick of complacence, now... I've got no patience, now... So sick of complacence now.. Sick of, sick of, sick of, sick!!! Know your enemy!

Come on! Yes, I know my enemies! They're the teachers who taught me to fight me!




Submission! Ignorance! Hypocrisy! Brutality! The elite!

All of which are American dreams! All of which are American dreams! All of which are American dreams! All of which are American dreams!

All of which are American dreams! All of which are American dreams! All of which are American dreams! All of which are American dreams!

Onderstaand is usa situatie, maar het affecteert de hele wereld. Dat doet het altijd. Wat in Amerika gebeurd, zal spoedig hier volgen.

Cracked Explains: The Prison Industrial Complex Cracked

Gepubliceerd op 2 aug. 2017

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